i'm sorry that it's been such a long time since i last visited this spot. life has been hectic! poor little francisco has been battling winter flu, the swiss cousin has been to visit, i have been trying to get my head around tax returns and book keeping for sticks new furniture making business and i have also taken on a part time seasonal job to see us through the winter. thankfully i have recently been reunited with my bread machine and i like nothing better than to sit down with a cup of tea, spread the butter on thick, and just take some time out.
we have also been busy making new things. this bag, made from various fabric scraps and some gorgeous turnip print and red chili fabric from buttonberry is much loved and often filled with lego.
and these trousers were a surprising success. made from some light brown linen with matching hems and pockets. i just copied them from an old pair of franc's trousers.
with all this extra busy-ness in my life, i will need to figure out a way to fit it all in so i don't feel like i'm in a mad rush all the time. hmm! let me ponder that thought over another slice of just warm from the bread-maker bread!
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