recently i have found myself eyeing up sheets, pillow cases, duvet covers and even blankets whenever i enter a charity shop or go to a boot fair. bedding is so expensive, well the kind i would like anyway, and i love the idea of having an odd assortment of bedlinen to mix and match in any combination the mood takes me. so i've been collecting a few mismatched bits as i find them and getting rid of any that we currently have that i really don't like. the theme that seems to have evolved is of pinks and blues, but who knows what i might discover on one of my next thrifting escapades. it just gives me great pleasure to be surrounded by all these pretty colours and patterns.
(and there's little stan playing his favourite new game, pretending to be asleep, then jumping up a few seconds later exclaiming 'awake now!')
(i also bought this beautiful crocheted blanket at a recent boot sale for £2 i think. the woman told me that her mother had made it and that made me feel sad.)